Merry Christmas OLG Staff & Faculty!

by GiveGroup Hug

  • $30,000.00

    Our GroupHug Goal
  • $34,908.00

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  • 0

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The GroupHug goal has been reached!

GiveGroup Hug

16 GroupHugs | 0 Loved campaigns

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Group Gift Description

Join your fellow OLG families in a group effort to give our school faculty and staff a very merry Christmas!

This idea was started a few years ago by our OLG PSO and is a way to make the season even brighter for our wonderful faculty and staff. In lieu of purchasing individual gifts for all of your kids’ teachers, this monetary group gift is a grand gesture that will make ALL of our many OLG staff members feel loved and appreciated.

If it is something that feels right for your family this holiday season, please contribute to this GroupHug with any amount. Your name will be shown, but you can choose to remain anonymous as well, just check that box!

One great feature of the GroupHug is that you can have your kids record a video or make a piece of art that you can upload when you click in to make your contribution. You can also leave a special message for your kids’ teachers! At the end of this collection, the GroupHug messages will be delivered to our staff via email. The checks will be delivered to each of our faculty and staff just in time for Christmas.

Wishing You A Blessed Holiday Season,


Group Givers

Name Donate Amount Date
Alyssa Pankratz $100.00 December 13, 2022
Merry Christmas to the teachers and staff at OLG!
Julie Thielman $50.00 December 13, 2022
Laura Bednarczyk $100.00 December 12, 2022
Niki Schaff $100.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas to the best faculty and staff!! We are so grateful for you! The Schaff Family
Anne Stedman $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thank you for all that you do! Merry Christmas!
Anonymous $30.00 December 12, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thank you so much for a great year!!!
Shaun & Kate Johnson $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thank you to the OLG staff! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas! The Johnson Family (Jane & Lauren)
Katie Wagoner $100.00 December 12, 2022
Angie Otto $200.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas to all OLG Staff and Faculty! We are so thankful for your hard work and dedication to the students, families and school. –The Otto Family (Owen & Theo)
Lindsey Wenngatz $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thank you to all of the teacher and staff that take such amazing care of our children. Merry Christmas! The Wenngatz Family
Abby Leber $200.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all you do for the Leber kiddos. We’re forever grateful. ❤️
Mary Pernula $50.00 December 12, 2022
Laura Saltzstein $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thank you for all your love and support! We love OLG! Love, Ruby & Noah Saltzstein
Heidi Coleman $75.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thanks for all you do!
Katerena Krmpotich $100.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the OLG teachers & staff! We can’t thank you enough for all that you do!! We appreciate you! ~ Krmpotich Family
Anonymous $50.00 December 12, 2022
Trina Lundblad $25.00 December 12, 2022
Merry Christmas! Love, Sophie Lundblad
Ann Kelly $100.00 December 12, 2022
Thanks for the big smiles, the open hearts and all you teach us each day! We love coming to school because of YOU!! ❤️ The Kellys
Carolyn Sullivan $250.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you OLG Teachers and Staff. We are grateful for all you do everyday! Thank you for your commitment to our boys and all the students at OLG. We consider ourselves very lucky. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and New Year! -Sullivan Family (Liam & Alex)
Jaclyn Strutt $150.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas to the wonderful teachers and staff! We are so grateful. The Strutt family.
Kristin Robinson $300.00 December 11, 2022
Megan & Ilir Skendaj $100.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you to the OLG Teachers and Staff for everything you do daily for our Kids. We are so grateful to have this community. It's such a blessing. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best- The Skendaj Family
Devon Nickels $100.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you for all you do to make OLG a special place! Merry Christmas! - The Nickels Family
Ashley Anderson $150.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you to our teachers and staff. We are very grateful for you! Love Henry and Freddy Anderson
Jennifer & Paul Mulheran $50.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you for all you do everyday! Merry Christmas! Paul, Jennifer, Olivia, Rose Mulheran
Johanna Zavoral $100.00 December 11, 2022
Jon Reissner $400.00 December 11, 2022
We are grateful for all of you and your wonderful work
Anonymous $25.00 December 11, 2022
Mary Sennes $100.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thanks for everything you do! The Sennes Family
Paige Halvorson $100.00 December 11, 2022
Arya Kubesh $50.00 December 11, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas to all! Thank you for all you do!
Anne Wolff $150.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas and thank you to all the OLG teachers, staff and administration! We are so grateful to be a part of this community and for our children to be at OLG school! Jason, Anne, Audrey & Noah Wolff
Katie Brown $100.00 December 11, 2022
OLG teachers are the BEST!!! Thanks for all you do! The Brown family
Tara Daniski $100.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you for fostering a love for learning, God, and others in our children! We are so blessed to have each of you on our OLG staff! Merry Christmas!! The Daniski family
Sida Zhai $100.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you so much Ms Noran, Ms H, Ms Rogers, and all the wonderful teachers who helped me this year to grow. I love you all deeply!! Merry Christmas! Emily Yang
Margaret Kershner $150.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all you do for OLG!
Angela Carlson $100.00 December 11, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the wonderful OLG staff. Thank you for all that you do! The Carlson Family (Ethan Grade 5)
Katie Moeller $50.00 December 11, 2022
Thank you and Merry Christmas!! Greta and William Moeller
Betsy Jakuc $400.00 December 10, 2022
Thank you to the amazing teachers and staff for all you do! We are so thankful to be part of such a wonderful community! Our boys love school so much and we are forever grateful! Happiest holidays! The Jakuc Family (Henry & Teddy)
Christina Cusic $100.00 December 10, 2022
Merry Christmas to all of the wonderful teachers and staff at OLG! Thank you for ALL that you do for our children! Cusic family (Jasmine and Levi)
Anonymous $50.00 December 10, 2022
Kristine Burke $100.00 December 10, 2022
Jamie Bojado $75.00 December 10, 2022
From our family to yours. Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas!
Jordan Mikulay $100.00 December 10, 2022
Happy holidays! To all, and especially Mrs. Kalb & Mrs. Noonan for all you do for the little saints every day. - Penny, Jordan & Mathew
Ann Wanchena $25.00 December 10, 2022
Jenny Vellon $200.00 December 10, 2022
We wish you a merry Christmas! With so much gratitude for our wonderful OLG school and community. Love, Jenny, Ciaran and Charlotte
Mara Stelzer $100.00 December 10, 2022
We feel so blessed to be part of a school and community as special as OLG. Merry Christmas! Love, the Stelzers (Neilah - 1st grade)
Rachel Hokeness $125.00 December 10, 2022
Thank you OLG staff for all you do for our children! We are blessed to have each one of you! Merry Christmas! The Hokeness family
Lindsey Gorski $100.00 December 10, 2022
Anonymous $200.00 December 10, 2022
Thanks for all you do!! We are beyond thankful for the love and support you give the kids!
Joshua Kapfhamer $150.00 December 09, 2022
Wishing a very Merry Christmas and heartfelt thanks to all of the wonderful teachers and staff who help to make OLG such a wonderful place to grow and learn. With gratitude, The Kapfhamer Family
Missy Russell $75.00 December 09, 2022
The Russell family is SO grateful for every single one of the educators, support staff, specialists, administrators, nurses, janitorial team, lunchroom staff, and every last one of the hardworking men and women at OLG that pour into our children. The work each of you do is so very important and is making an eternal impact on the lives of our children and the future of our community! We pray you have a blessed Christmas and that you feel abundantly appreciated and seen by the school you serve and, even more so, by the God you serve!! God bless you!! (With gratitude, Cameron (K) and Blake (PK) Russell’s family)
Angie Vanderheyden $100.00 December 09, 2022
Wishing all of the teachers and staff at OLG a very Merry Christmas! From Dave, Angie, Christian, Leo & Claire
Will Long $20.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you preschool teachers especially Mrs Williams for our son Will!
Kim Shipley $100.00 December 09, 2022
Liz Reeves $300.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you for making OLG such a special place. Our children and families are beyond blessed to have such an amazing school and community. Merry Christmas!
Anonymous $100.00 December 09, 2022
The best teachers in the world. Thank you for all you do!
Brett Ewig $75.00 December 09, 2022
Jess Hannan $130.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you OLG teachers and staff for all you do for our kids. You are all truly a blessing to the whole community! Merry Christmas!
Melissa O'Halloran $200.00 December 09, 2022
Matt Boran $100.00 December 09, 2022
Charlie Kuharski $30.00 December 09, 2022
Merry Christmas!
Lori Brumbaugh $20.00 December 09, 2022
Suzanne Gorski $200.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you for fostering the most loving and supportive school environment for our kids. Your efforts continue to amaze and we couldn’t be more thankful for all of our beloved teachers and staff at OLG! Merry Christmas! Love, David, Suzanne, Eliana, Aidan, Estelle, & William Gorski
Anonymous $150.00 December 09, 2022
Merry Christmas to the Wonderful Teachers & Staff at OLG!!!!
Anonymous $200.00 December 09, 2022
Billy and Emily Doherty $100.00 December 09, 2022
Merry Christmas!
Maggie Kumbalek $100.00 December 09, 2022
Cara Meyer $100.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you for all you do to make OLG such a wonderful place for our kids to grow and flourish. -Liv & Sydney Meyer
Jess Hobbins $50.00 December 09, 2022
Chris and Jamie Teigen $60.00 December 09, 2022
We are so grateful to the OLG teachers and staff for making this such a special place. Merry Christmas! Love, Chris, Jamie, Nathan and Patrick.
Shannon Joran $100.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you for doing such an amazing job with our kiddos each and every day - Merry Christmas!
Andrew LaVenture $100.00 December 09, 2022
Merry Christmas and thank you for taking such great care of our kids!
Haley Armstrong $150.00 December 09, 2022
Thank you for for your gifts: time, patience, love and knowledge. Merry Christmas! The Armstrong family
Anne Ruisenor $100.00 December 09, 2022
Paris Fayerweather $50.00 December 09, 2022
Jonathan Eddy $50.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for everything you do. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! From Anderson and Everly Eddy
Sarah Wall $100.00 December 08, 2022
Paula Rezac $50.00 December 08, 2022
SO grateful to you all for the positive influence you have on my preschooler Aubrae! Grateful to be part of this community. (special shout-out to Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Balow, Katie B.. Fr. Kevin, ..etc.). Merry Christmas!
Thomas & Meghan Hodgdon $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas! We are so thankful for all you do! - Thomas, Meghan & Maggie Hodgdon
Mary Willner $200.00 December 08, 2022
Christina Ticer $50.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG teachers! Thank you for making our first year at OLG amazing. God bless and all the best this holiday season. - Ticer family (Bart)
Jennifer Sullivan $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG teachers, faculty and staff! Thanks for everything you do to nurture the hearts and minds of all of the students at OLG. Your love, compassion and boundless energy is so appreciated! Jen, John, Ingrid, Ben & Lucy Sullivan
Meghan Tompkins $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for all that you do! Merry Christmas! Love, The Tompkins Family (Lettie)
Sally Raih $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the OLG teachers and staff! We are beyond grateful for you and all the amazing work you do! Thank you, Thank you! Love, Sally, Peter, Jack and Ellie Raih
Anonymous $200.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do for our children!
Anonymous $200.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas to our wonderful OLG staff. Thank you for loving our children each and every day. We appreciate all you do. Love the Jacobson’s (Will, Howie & Eddie)
Anonymous $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for all your hard work and creating a wonderful environment for our kiddos to learn and grow.
Renee Rasmussen $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the staff and faculty at OLG! Thank you for everything you do! Sincerely, Renee, Dave, Julia, Henrik and Anders Rasmussen.
Julie McNeeley $50.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas, Ms. Bland! We hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for a fantastic school year. Love, Julie, Mike, Olivia and Liam McNeeley
Anonymous $50.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for all you do for our kiddos!!! The OLG community is the best!!! ❤️
Beatrice Lundblad $25.00 December 08, 2022
Stephanie Shaw $50.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you and God bless all our teachers and staff. We are so lucky to have this OLG community
Anonymous $25.00 December 08, 2022
Michaela Awsumb $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for all of your hard work this year and for helping make the transition to preschool easy for Henry. We appreciate you! Merry Christmas!
Katy Marvin Kirchner $150.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you OLG Teachers and Staff! We appreciate your time and support with our children! We are so grateful for all that you do! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Much love, Jackson, Henry, Bennett, Isabelle, Katy and John Kirchner
Michelle Schelp $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you to all for your hard work, Merry Christmas!
Angie Lucachick $200.00 December 08, 2022
We appreciate everyone and are grateful for our OLG community!!
Doug and Becky Dworak $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merriest Christmas wishes to the wonderful faculty and staff at OLG! We are thankful for you and hope you have a lovely holiday season. All our love, Doug, Becky, Evelyn and David Dworak
Meghan Dolejsi $125.00 December 08, 2022
Ksenia Ezekoye $150.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas from the Ezekoye family!
Anonymous $50.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas!! Thanks for all you do.
Annie & Jeff Betts Family $500.00 December 08, 2022
We are so grateful to all of you at Our Lady of Grace School and Church for all that you do each and every day. Thank you for making this community a beautiful place to grow our faith and to learn with joy. Our children are lucky to have you. Merry Christmas and God Bless, the Betts Family
Katie Quinn $100.00 December 08, 2022
We love our teachers and staff at OLG! Thank you as always for all your love and dedication to our kids. Love, Katie, Gavin, Ava, Andrew and Vivian Quinn
Angie Simons $200.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for making our transition to OLG so wonderful! The preschool staff have been amazing! Our kids love being part of the OLG community & can’t thank you enough for your kindness, patience and love! We wish all of you wonderful teachers a very Merry Christmas!
Angela, Josh, Kate O’Neill $100.00 December 08, 2022
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for all that you do!
Sheri Deutz $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for all you do. Have a wonderful holiday!
Jane Eilertson $50.00 December 08, 2022
You all make OLG great! Thank you for 17 combined years of taking care of and educating the girls!
Rachel Tuenge $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you teachers for all you do!!
Steph & Patrick Daly $200.00 December 08, 2022
Natalie LaBelle $100.00 December 08, 2022
We are so grateful for the wonderful and loving teachers and staff at OLG! Merry Christmas to all! ~ Lexie and Nate LaBelle
Megan Clapp $100.00 December 08, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thanks for all do! The Roth Family
Alexandra Galovich $50.00 December 08, 2022
Katherine Milliken $200.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you and happy holidays from the Mantyh Family! - Ellie, Anna, Leo, Phil, and Katie
Anonymous $100.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you for the care and compassion you give to our children everyday. Happy Holidays!
Katherine Milliken $200.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you and happy holidays from the Mantyh family! - Ellie, Anna, Leo, Phil, and Katie
Nicole Sullivan $100.00 December 08, 2022
Angela Brown $200.00 December 08, 2022
Thank you to ALL of the teachers, support staff, custodians, and administration for all of your hard work, love and care you pour into our school every day. Merry Christmas! Love, The Brown Family
Silvia Zucchi $200.00 December 08, 2022
Meghan DesLauriers $50.00 December 08, 2022
Anonymous $200.00 December 08, 2022
Jackie Grandstrand $50.00 December 08, 2022
Beth Horn $100.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the OLG teachers & staff! Can’t thank you enough for all that you do!! Beth & Jason Horn
Mark Bang $200.00 December 08, 2022
Lauren Dest $100.00 December 08, 2022
Kyle Jorgensen $60.00 December 08, 2022
Merry Christmas from The Jorgensen’s!
Steve Baumgardner $100.00 December 08, 2022
Anonymous $40.00 December 08, 2022
Carol O'Shea $100.00 December 08, 2022
Paige Schulz $100.00 December 08, 2022
Anonymous $25.00 December 08, 2022
Geoffrey Selby $150.00 December 08, 2022
Mariana Sanchez $50.00 December 08, 2022
Jane Jude $100.00 December 08, 2022
Chris & Jackie Bailey $50.00 December 08, 2022
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Anonymous $50.00 December 08, 2022
Amy Thomson $150.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG teachers and staff - thank you for all you do! With love, Holden T.
Margaret Green $100.00 December 07, 2022
Michelle Sklader $100.00 December 07, 2022
Dana Kapsen $100.00 December 07, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas to everyone at OLG! We are so appreciative of all that you do to make OLG a great place to be. Warmest Wishes, The Volden Family
Katie Baker $100.00 December 07, 2022
The Bakers
Carrie Lang $100.00 December 07, 2022
Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas. We appreciate you!🎄🎅🧑‍🎄
Katie Pearson $200.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas Ms Holtz & Mrs Williams!!! The Pearson family is wishing you the best holiday season!! Thank you for being so amazing to our Piper & Theo!!!!
Wells Family $200.00 December 07, 2022
We are so grateful for the incredible staff of this amazing school!
Anonymous $75.00 December 07, 2022
Emily Sefton $250.00 December 07, 2022
Sarah Turley $100.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG School! We are so thankful for the fabulous school and community you all work so hard to provide for the kids. We love it at OLG and are so thankful for all of you! God's Blessing for a fabulous Christmas season. Sarah, Patrick, Samuel Turley
Hudson Bergen Arrington $150.00 December 07, 2022
We are so very grateful & blessed for our amazing teachers! Hudson & Bergen wanted to thank you for your incredible efforts & wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Anonymous $30.00 December 07, 2022
Jennifer Cook $50.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas 🎄.
David Madrigal $100.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2023 from the Madrigal family
Anonymous $75.00 December 07, 2022
Molly Tousignant $100.00 December 07, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all you do each & every day! The Tousignants
Anonymous $20.00 December 07, 2022
Liz Brown $100.00 December 07, 2022
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your endless commitment to the growth, education and support of our kids! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to a great 2023!
Cecile Adams $250.00 December 06, 2022
Thank you to the best teachers ever. So grateful for each and everyone of you. Love The Adams Family
Anonymous $50.00 December 06, 2022
Linda White $98.00 December 06, 2022
Thank you to the teachers and staff for all that you do to make OLG such an incredible community. We are blessed to have you. Happy Holidays!
Amy Frye $150.00 December 06, 2022
Wishing all OLG teachers and staff a wonderful and peaceful holiday! Merry Christmas! ❤️Axel and Theia Frye
Anonymous $200.00 December 06, 2022
We are so grateful for the OLG teachers and staff. Thank you for all of your hard work and support this year. We hope you have a very happy and healthy Christmas. Love The Smiths (Harrison, Kara, Ryan and Sloane)
Jessica Morrell $100.00 December 06, 2022
Francesca Czuppa $60.00 December 06, 2022
Betsy Grossman $200.00 December 06, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the wonderful OLG teachers and staff! We appreciate all you do for us every day! With love, Eliza and Frances Grossman
Kate Gottsch $250.00 December 06, 2022
Thanks for all that you do to educate and raise up our kids!
Katy Hobbins $200.00 December 05, 2022
Dear OLG Faculty & Staff, Merry Christmas! We appreciate everything you do for our children. You give it your all every day, and we see that through our children who are learning, growing, and having so much fun. Big fans in the Hobbins house! Thank you!! Love, Brian, Kate, Emilia and Robert
Amy Baldwin $200.00 December 05, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 05, 2022
Nicole Righini $100.00 December 05, 2022
Thank you OLG Faculty and Staff! We are so blessed to have you at our school! Merry Christmas!
Beth Edwards $100.00 December 05, 2022
To all the wonderful teachers and staff of OLG - we so appreciate all that you are for our children each and every day. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas! -The Edwards family
Jason Galli $100.00 December 05, 2022
Thank you Teacher!! - Lytton Galli
Jennifer Cornell $100.00 December 05, 2022
Merry Christmas from the Cornells!
Kristina Dietzen $100.00 December 05, 2022
Merry, Merry Christmas; hope you have an amazing break!!! Love, The Dietzen Family
Becky Krieger $100.00 December 05, 2022
Have a great Christmas break, you all deserve it! -Bennett Krieger
Laura McGill $50.00 December 05, 2022
We love you teachers!!
Christy McElroy $75.00 December 05, 2022
Steph and Brett Severson $25.00 December 05, 2022
Merry Christmas to our wonderful teachers! Love, The Seversons
Peter Robinson $30.00 December 05, 2022
Thank you for the kindness, energy and patience you bring everyday to my preschool classroom. Love, Peter James🎄
Mary Meyer $100.00 December 05, 2022
Anonymous $75.00 December 05, 2022
Alex McKenna $200.00 December 05, 2022
Mrs. Garrity and Mrs. Baker, Thank you for all you do for Betsy each and every day. She loves coming to school! The McKenna Family
Kirsten Frederick $150.00 December 05, 2022
Thank you for all that you do!
Jessica Dreher $100.00 December 04, 2022
Thank you so much for all that you do each and everyday! We so appreciate you! -Jessica, Ben, Michael, and Maya Dreher
Susan Perera $20.00 December 04, 2022
Kate Simek $100.00 December 04, 2022
Mary Murati $100.00 December 04, 2022
Thanks for all you do, OLG staff!!
Megan Hardt $100.00 December 04, 2022
Merry Merry Christmas OLG Staff! We are sooo appreciate of you and your love for our children! The Hardts
Anonymous $60.00 December 04, 2022
Thank you for all you do! Love, the Kanz girls
Amy Weber $100.00 December 04, 2022
Merry Christmas to all! - The Weber Family
Sara and Mark Veldman $150.00 December 04, 2022
Kelly Roti $100.00 December 04, 2022
Thank you, OLG teachers and staff!! We appreciate everything you do and wish you a Merry Christmas! -Kelly, Scott, and Quinn Roti
Alisha Parise $300.00 December 04, 2022
Merry Christmas! Love, emmy, jax and Theo Parise
Ben Garbe $200.00 December 03, 2022
We are so thankful for all of the OLG faculty and staff that make it such an amazing place to grow and learn! Especially our homeroom teachers Mr. Reardon and Ms. Jester!!!!
Julie Regan $300.00 December 03, 2022
Merry Christmas! The Regans
Anonymous $100.00 December 03, 2022
Erin Offerdahl $250.00 December 03, 2022
Wishing all the faculty and staff at OLG a wonderful Christmas. We are grateful for you and all you do for our OLG community! -The Offerdahls- Tristan (5th Grade)
Jennifer Severson $150.00 December 03, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything you do!
Erica Frantz $100.00 December 03, 2022
Merry Christmas from the Frantz family! Thank you for all you do!
Ashlie Martin $100.00 December 03, 2022
Merry Christmas!! We are so blessed to have such wonderful teachers and staff at OLG! Thank you for all that you do! Siena, Evelyn, and Lucy Martin
Heather Hinkel $100.00 December 03, 2022
Thank you for all the amazing work you do for our kids - we appreciate you all! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The Hinkel Family
Karissa Hogan $50.00 December 03, 2022
Merry Christmas from Sully, Griffin and Family!
Maria Stotesbery $150.00 December 03, 2022
Thank you for all you do every day to make OLG such a special place for our son. We appreciate you so much! Merry Christmas!
Mimi Cho-rohlfsen $500.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you! Merry Christmas!!!
Jill Jorgensen $100.00 December 02, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG teachers & staff! Thank you for your dedication to the children of OLG. You are appreciated! Enjoy the holidays & break. The Jorgensen Family (Ben)
Molly Podratz $150.00 December 02, 2022
Meghan Worthington $100.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you OLG teachers! Rob, Meghan and Hannah Worthington
David Satin $100.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you for your service and dedication to our children - The Satin-Ekim Family
Anonymous $50.00 December 02, 2022
Cathy Wolf $200.00 December 02, 2022
Amy Dennison $200.00 December 02, 2022
Have a wonderful Christmas! - hope you enjoy the Dennison Boys' "re-creation" of our christmas card from 10 years ago! Thank you all for everything you do. You are wonderful gifts from God to our familiy. Bryce (8th), James (7th), Jack (9th at EPHS)
Kristin Kemper $100.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you OLG teachers and administraters for everything you do! Love Quinn Kemper
Kelli Remjeske $50.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas!
Mark Petrosky $100.00 December 02, 2022
Trycia Miller $100.00 December 02, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything you do!
Emily Cromett $100.00 December 02, 2022
Merry Christmas from the Cromett family! Thank you for all that you do!
Sandy Moore $100.00 December 02, 2022
Sarah Leinberger $100.00 December 02, 2022
Thank you for all you do for the students and families! We appreciate you!
Sarah Schumacher $250.00 December 01, 2022
Rena Gabrik $100.00 December 01, 2022
Dear teachers and staff, you make OLG the most special place. We are so grateful to be in this community. May you all have the merriest of Christmases!
Andrea Uecker $100.00 December 01, 2022
Thank you OLG team for all you do! Merry Christmas! ❤️ The Uecker family
CARRIE ELIZONDO HUDAK $20.00 December 01, 2022
Carolyn Berger $60.00 December 01, 2022
Thank you to all the wonderful OLG teachers, admins, and staff. We greatly appreciate you!!
Lindsay Hill $200.00 December 01, 2022
Thank you OLG school community! Merry Christmas!
Missy Ringle $100.00 December 01, 2022
Merry Christmas! We appreciate all that you do for our children and this community.
Sulan Nichols $150.00 December 01, 2022
Thank you for everything that you do for us! Hope you have a very merry Christmas! Xoxo Max & Kai Nichols
Carlene Bray $30.00 December 01, 2022
Thanks for all you do! Merry Christmas! Love, Jacob Bray and family (preschool)
Meghan Glotfelty $100.00 December 01, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 01, 2022
Joanna Phillips $150.00 December 01, 2022
Amy Teitscheid $100.00 December 01, 2022
We are so grateful for our OLG teachers & staff. I get teary thinking about how you all have supported and cared for our children over the years. Special shout out to Ellie Harristhal who holds down the fort, directing both student and parent traffic, and who races notes to my children on my behalf because I forgot to send them with one. We are so blessed to have you in our lives! Merry Christmas! Love, The Teitscheid Family
Danielle Spurgeon $150.00 December 01, 2022
Molly Hewitt $100.00 December 01, 2022
Sara Jahnke $200.00 December 01, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG teachers and staff! A special thank you to Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Cleary, and the other middle school teachers for all you do throughout the year.
Sarah E Parry $50.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you!!
Anonymous $100.00 November 30, 2022
Brittany Jaramillo $100.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all that you do! Love, the Jaramillo Family (Marcos)
Rita Zinn $50.00 November 30, 2022
Anonymous $10.00 November 30, 2022
Melissa and Jose Medina Palomo $50.00 November 30, 2022
Karoline Sperling $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you teachers and staff for all you do each and every day! Happy holidays!!
Beth and Doug Kinneberg $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you for all you do for the OLG students and school! We appreciate you and wish you a very merry Christmas!
Andrea Novak $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thanks for all that you do, each and every day, to make OLG such a wonderful place!
Patricia Levis $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you OLG teachers, faculty and staff! Merry Christmas! Love, the Levis family.
Jon & Candice Duval $180.00 November 30, 2022
Leslie Williamson $100.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas to all the OLG teachers and staff! You are appreciated! We hope you have a wonderful break with family and friends.
Anonymous $25.00 November 30, 2022
Anonymous $50.00 November 30, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 November 30, 2022
Kevin & Amy Kuemmel $100.00 November 30, 2022
Shelly Windom $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you, OLG teachers and staff! Emerson and Saylor Windom
Anonymous $100.00 November 30, 2022
Our children are better because of the effort and energy you give, the encouragement you provide, and the love you show them day in and day out. To say you are appreciated is an understatement. We truly can't thank you enough for all you do and all you give. You are appreciated beyond measure. With love, Heidi & David Daly (Emerson & Whitney Daly) “People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world.” ― Beth Clark, Kisses from Katie
Sara Thomas $200.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you to all the OLG teachers and staff for all of your hard work that you give to our kiddos. You are the best and we wish u a Merry Christmas 🎄
Tracey Hester $100.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas! We appreciate everything you do. Have a merry holiday.
Anonymous $200.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you OLG teachers, faculty and staff ! You are simply the best and we could not be more grateful for all you do for our children. ❤️ The Doyle family
Amy King $60.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you for everything you do!!! Wishing you all the merriest Christmas.
Jill Simons $100.00 November 30, 2022
We are so grateful for each and every one of you! We can't imagine a better school community for Charles and Samuel to learn and grow. Thank you and God Bless you!
McGuire Warne $100.00 November 30, 2022
Wishing all of the OLG family a blessed holiday season.
Molly Kuehl $100.00 November 30, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you for loving our kids.
Bridget Madich $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you for all you do for your students and families. We wish you the merriest holiday season and cheers to a very happy new year. Love, the Madich Family
Alyssa Shultis $50.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you so much for everything you do to help our children!! We are so grateful for you this holiday season. --Alyssa, Hunter, William
Greta Santori $100.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! - The Santori Family
Thom Kuznia $50.00 November 30, 2022
Bernadette Hornig $250.00 November 30, 2022
Lisa & Scott Sporcich $100.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas & thank you OLG Staff and Faculty! Sporcich Family
Abby Rooney $100.00 November 30, 2022
Rachel Thissen $300.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas to the whole amazing OLG staff. Thank you for all you do! The Thissen Family
Shyan Oshaughnessy $300.00 November 30, 2022
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our amazing teachers and staff!
Stephanie Sislo $40.00 November 30, 2022
Noelle Varecka $100.00 November 30, 2022
Sally English $25.00 November 30, 2022
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Andrea Schwarz $100.00 November 30, 2022
Jennifer Martin $100.00 November 30, 2022
Kate Ostlund $150.00 November 30, 2022
OLG staff, we appreciate you all! Merry Christmas! From, The Ostlund Family
Anonymous $25.00 November 29, 2022
Eric Kirchner $250.00 November 29, 2022
We wish the teachers and staff at OLG a very Merry Christmas! The Kirchner’s - Eric, Kate, Maeve & Cecilia
Danita Urbaniak $100.00 November 29, 2022
To our amazing teachers that have helped us educate our children. Thank you… Ron & Danita (Henry)
Jennifer Crowley $100.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas to the wonderful teachers and staff of OLG!! We are so grateful for all your hard work! Love - Paul, Jenni, Piper, Darcy & Milly Crowley
Renee MacDonald $100.00 November 29, 2022
We are so blessed to have such amazing teachers and staff that bring joy to our children’s lives each day. Merry Christmas from the MacDonald family!
Anonymous $50.00 November 29, 2022
Brenna Simacek $250.00 November 29, 2022
We are so grateful for the teachers and staff at OLG. Thank you for the amazing, faith filled community you create.
Emily Van Kirk $200.00 November 29, 2022
They say the people make the place - and it couldn’t be more true at OLG - best teachers and staff around! Merry Christmas, The Caraganis Family
Anonymous $150.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas! Each one of you is an incredible blessing and we are so grateful for the energy & love you pour into our students every day.
Christina Bourne $100.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas to the fabulous teachers of OLG! Thank you for all you do! Love, The Bourne family
Jodi Zgutowicz $100.00 November 29, 2022
We love each and every one of you for all you do to make OLG such an amazing experience for our children. Always know how appreciated you are! Merry Christmas! The Zgutowiczs
Mary McNiff $100.00 November 29, 2022
Thank you to all the incredible teachers and staff at OLG!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Monica Copelan $100.00 November 29, 2022
Meredith Kasbohm $200.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas! Much love, The Kasbohm Family
Jackie Walter $200.00 November 29, 2022
Thank you for all you do for our families! Merry Christmas!
The Ramme Family $100.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas to the most special group of people. Wishing you the warmest and wonderful holidays. Love, The Ramme Family
Maria Neuner $150.00 November 29, 2022
Kate Knopick $200.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all you do for our kids and the greater OLG community!
Laura Haymaker $100.00 November 29, 2022
Ericka Welsh $50.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Christmas OLG staff and faculty! -Philip and Harry Welsh and family
Stephanie Iannazzo $100.00 November 29, 2022
We are grateful for you!!
Holli + Casey Hankinson $100.00 November 29, 2022
Merry Merry Christmas To ALL of our amazing educators at OLG. We wish you a holiday season filled with many blessings. Thank you for the work you do. xoxo, The Hankinson Family ( Crosby)